I have been super busy in the polytunnel and market garden. As fast as I weed and mow, everything grows back! Conversely, in the polytunnel, beans are taking an age to get going, as the temperature swings between too hot and too chilly. Curcubits (marrows, courgettes, gourds, squash and pumpkins) are going great guns, as are the brassicas (Purple Sprouting broccoli, calabrese, sprouts etc) as long as I fight off the slugs. Radishes are almost ready in the salad bed, spring onions are on their way and lettuces amount to just 2. Perhaps too dry earlier on? Time for a second sowing, methinks!
Sweet Corn is now about 10cm tall and almost ready to go out, peas are amazing and seem to be resisting the pigeons, the baths we have installed to take Sweet Potatoes are now full of compost and sharp sand mix, with the potatoes themselves still in the coldframe, growing strongly, and will be ready to plant out at the end of May.

The hops are sprouting well and beginning to wind around their wires. We have decided to grow them horizontally, so that we can reach the flowers when they are ready. I am only 5ft 7in, and although I have access to cracking ladders, I am often on my own in the garden, so, from a Health and Safety perspective, we decided to grow the hops within reach!
The celeriac I sowed did really well and has now ground to a halt, just a little too soon to prick out into bigger cells. They have been in the cold frame, but of course, the temperature has generally dropped again, so I have moved them back into an open polytunnel. I shall keep you posted!
I have planted asparagus in a huge pile of horse poo, and I am happy to say that it has all sprouted and is looking good. I shall not harvest any this year, to give it a good chance to establish, however, next year we hope for a good pile of fresh asparagus for our new farm shop!
